--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Cançons per escoltar a tot drap
El celobert
El cantant d'Els Pets comparteix cada dia amb els oients la seva passió per la música a través de les petites històries que expliquen les cançons. De dilluns a divendres, de 20 a 21 h.
Tenim ganes de brega i un programa farcit de cançons ideals per ser escoltades a volum brutal i, de passada, emprenyar una mica els veïns que no us cauen bé.
01 Deep Purple - "Holidays in the sun"
02 Ramones - "Sheena is a punk rocker"
03 The Sex Pistols - "Holidays in the sun"
04 The Rezillos - "Somebody's gonna get their head kicked in tonight"
05 Van Halen - "Jump"
06 Sugar - "If I can't change your mind"
07 Bruce Springsteen - "Born to run"
08 The Killers - "Mr. Brightside"
09 The Sonics - "Have love will travel"
10 The White Stripes - "Fall in love with a girl"
11 The Lemonheads - "Alison's starting to happen"
12 MC5 - "Kick out the jams"
13 The Cure - "In between days"
14 The Replacements - "Bastards of young"
15 Ash - "A life less ordinary"
16 AC/DC - "Highway to hell"
El celobert

Tenim ganes de brega i un programa farcit de cançons ideals per ser escoltades a volum brutal i, de passada, emprenyar una mica els veïns que no us cauen bé. 01 Deep Purple - "Holidays in the sun" 02 Ramones - "Sheena is a punk rocker" 03 The Sex Pistols - "Holidays in the sun" 04 The Rezillos - "Somebody's gonna get their head kicked in tonight" 05 Van Halen - "Jump" 06 Sugar - "If I can't change your mind" 07 Bruce Springsteen - "Born to run" 08 The Killers - "Mr. Brightside" 09 The Sonics - "Have love will travel" 10 The White Stripes - "Fall in love with a girl" 11 The Lemonheads - "Alison's starting to happen" 12 MC5 - "Kick out the jams" 13 The Cure - "In between days" 14 The Replacements - "Bastards of young" 15 Ash - "A life less ordinary" 16 AC/DC - "Highway to hell"