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 Playlist: Festival de Blues de Cerdanyola 2020
Playlist: Festival de Blues de Cerdanyola 2020
Raül Hinojosa et presenta una hora de música en format "mixtape"! Una recopilació personal de cançons que pot estar basada en estils musicals o inspirar-se en qualsevol tema. Dimecres a les 12h, disponible a la carta i en podcast.

La mostra internacional vallesana aposta per recuperar l'alegria a ritme de blues, soul, swing, rhythm and blues, jazz i rock and roll. 01 Jodie Cash - "Rock machine" 02 The Sick Boys - "It ain't the rhythm (It's the motion)" 03 Koko-Jean & The Tonics - "Satisfied" 04 Dani Nel·lo - "Hey Chula!" 05 Alice & The Wonders - "Rocking all nite long" 06 Rambalaya - "Bootlegger" 07 Hendrik Röver - "Serpientes" 08 Solà & Estella - "Worn out shoes" 09 Chris Wragg and Greg Copeland - "If you ever leave me" 10 Blas Picón & The Three Time Losers - "About feelings" 11 Blueroomess - "Wicked game" 12 Alber Solo - "Haciendo mi propio estilo" 13 A Contra Blues - "Toxic love" 14 Manu Lanvin and The Devil Blues - "Blues, booze & rock'n'roll" 15 Leif De Leeuw Band - "Do me wrong" 16 Gaby Jogeix - "Fair green" 17 J.P.Bimeni ant The Black Belts - "Free me" 18 Gisele Jackson - "Count on our love"
