--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Sting, 69 anys darrere de la policia
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
Prop de 70 anys dedicats a fer cançons extraordinàries, una xifra ideal per dedicar un programa a les millors cançons de Police i bona part de la carrera de Sting en solitari.
01 The Police - "Roxanne"
02 The Police - "Message in a bottle"
03 The Police - "Every little thing she does is magic"
04 The Police - "Don't stand so close to me"
05 The Police - "So lonely"
06 The Police - "Walking on the moon"
07 The Police - "King of pain"
08 The Police - "Can't stand losing you"
09 The Police - "Next to you"
10 Sting - "Englishman in New York"
11 Sting - "Shape of my heart"
12 Sting, Eric Clapton - "It's probably me"
13 The Police - "Spirits in the material world"

Prop de 70 anys dedicats a fer cançons extraordinàries, una xifra ideal per dedicar un programa a les millors cançons de Police i bona part de la carrera de Sting en solitari. 01 The Police - "Roxanne" 02 The Police - "Message in a bottle" 03 The Police - "Every little thing she does is magic" 04 The Police - "Don't stand so close to me" 05 The Police - "So lonely" 06 The Police - "Walking on the moon" 07 The Police - "King of pain" 08 The Police - "Can't stand losing you" 09 The Police - "Next to you" 10 Sting - "Englishman in New York" 11 Sting - "Shape of my heart" 12 Sting, Eric Clapton - "It's probably me" 13 The Police - "Spirits in the material world"