--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
En defensa del plagi
El celobert
El cantant d'Els Pets comparteix cada dia amb els oients la seva passió per la música a través de les petites històries que expliquen les cançons. De dilluns a divendres, de 20 a 21 h.
Reflexionem sobre el concepte de plagi, la impossibilitat de determinar l'originalitat absoluta de cap melodia i, sobretot, el component purament econòmic que ha transformat el copyright.
01 The Animals - "House of rising sun"
02 Bob Dylan - "House of risin' sun"
03 Dave Van Ronk - "House of rising sun"
04 Robin Thickle - "Blurred lines"
05 Marvin Gaye - "Got to give it up"
06 Bruno Mars - "Locked out of heaven"
07 The Police - "Message in a bottle"
08 Maná - "Clavado en un bar"
09 Greta Van Fleet - "Highway tune"
10 Led Zeppelin - "Immigration song"
11 Mark Ronson - "Uptown funk"
12 The Gap Band - "Oops upside your head"
13 Radiohead - "Creep"
14 The Hollies - "The air that I breathe"
15 George Harrison - "My sweet Lord"
16 The Chiffons - "He's so fine"
17 Sam Smith - "Stay with me"
18 Tom Petty - "I won't back down"
19 Lady Gaga - "Born this way"
20 Madonna - "Express yourself"
El celobert

Reflexionem sobre el concepte de plagi, la impossibilitat de determinar l'originalitat absoluta de cap melodia i, sobretot, el component purament econòmic que ha transformat el copyright. 01 The Animals - "House of rising sun" 02 Bob Dylan - "House of risin' sun" 03 Dave Van Ronk - "House of rising sun" 04 Robin Thickle - "Blurred lines" 05 Marvin Gaye - "Got to give it up" 06 Bruno Mars - "Locked out of heaven" 07 The Police - "Message in a bottle" 08 Maná - "Clavado en un bar" 09 Greta Van Fleet - "Highway tune" 10 Led Zeppelin - "Immigration song" 11 Mark Ronson - "Uptown funk" 12 The Gap Band - "Oops upside your head" 13 Radiohead - "Creep" 14 The Hollies - "The air that I breathe" 15 George Harrison - "My sweet Lord" 16 The Chiffons - "He's so fine" 17 Sam Smith - "Stay with me" 18 Tom Petty - "I won't back down" 19 Lady Gaga - "Born this way" 20 Madonna - "Express yourself"