--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Nixon i Trump
Pista de fusta
Miqui Puig, el músic català que més en sap de música de ball, es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. De dilluns a diumenge, de 19 a 20 h.
Dos presidents nefastos i dues cançons protesta contra ells. Novetats de ball, novetats de Hot Chip i més.
01 Erika de Casier - "No butterflies, no nothing"
02 Gregor - "Love echoes loud"
03 The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble - "Impeach the president"
04 Instituto Mexicano del Sonido - "My America is not your America (feat. Graham Coxon)"
05 Roldán - "Ocasión (Hidrogenesse rmx)"
06 Joe Crepúsculo - "Lo peor"
07 Smerz - "I don't talk about that much"
08 Pat Lok - "Get dawn (Tsunano rmx)"
09 Hot Chip - "Straight to the morning (feat. Jarvis Cocker)"
10 NOE¿P - "On my way (feat. CHINCHILLA)"
11 Return Of The Jaded feat. MC Flipside - "Fiends"
12 House Gospel Choir - "Most precious love"
13 Black Saint - "Bring it back"
14 Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - "Martin 5000"
Pista de fusta

Dos presidents nefastos i dues cançons protesta contra ells. Novetats de ball, novetats de Hot Chip i més. 01 Erika de Casier - "No butterflies, no nothing" 02 Gregor - "Love echoes loud" 03 The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble - "Impeach the president" 04 Instituto Mexicano del Sonido - "My America is not your America (feat. Graham Coxon)" 05 Roldán - "Ocasión (Hidrogenesse rmx)" 06 Joe Crepúsculo - "Lo peor" 07 Smerz - "I don't talk about that much" 08 Pat Lok - "Get dawn (Tsunano rmx)" 09 Hot Chip - "Straight to the morning (feat. Jarvis Cocker)" 10 NOE¿P - "On my way (feat. CHINCHILLA)" 11 Return Of The Jaded feat. MC Flipside - "Fiends" 12 House Gospel Choir - "Most precious love" 13 Black Saint - "Bring it back" 14 Lindstrom & Prins Thomas - "Martin 5000"