--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Catalunya Música
Cada diumenge Maria Montes ens proposa una sessió que ens duu de la cambra a l'ambient, de les bandes sonores a les instal·lacions, tot plegat adobat amb una dosi de "glitches" i alguna pujada de BMPs.
Encaixa les peces del teu trencaclosques. El moment és focus.
.- Seward, beGun: "Kiruna (Sweet Kick)", beGun remix (Relatives, Fundings and Tapes from Season 2: Chapter Home, 2017)
.- Missy Mazzoli: Wayward Free Radical Dreams (Vespers for a New Dark Age, 2015)
.- Aurolac: "Rumpistol" (After the Flood, 2020)
.- Actress, Orquestra Contemporània de Londres: "N.E.W." (LAGEOS, 2018)
.- Biosphere: "Oi-1" (N-Plants, 2011)
.- Phil France: "Circle", reprise (Circle, 2018)
.- John Luther Adams: "Canticles from the sky: Sky with Four Suns" (The Wind in High Places, 2015)
.- Oneohtrix Point Never: "Tales from the Trash Stratum" (Magic Oneohtrix Point Never, 2020)
.- Mark Pritchard: "In my Heart" (MP Productions - EP 1, 2020)
.- Aaron Kallay, Isaac Schankler: "Alien Warp Etude" (Beyond 12: Reiventing the Piano vol. 1, 2015)
.- Marcin Wasilewski Trio: "Diamonds and Pearls" (January, 2008)
.- Daniel Avery: "Pure Light" (Love + Light, 2020)
.- Nicholas Lens, Nick Cave: "Litany of Godly Love" (2020)
Catalunya Música

Encaixa les peces del teu trencaclosques. El moment és focus. .- Seward, beGun: "Kiruna (Sweet Kick)", beGun remix (Relatives, Fundings and Tapes from Season 2: Chapter Home, 2017) .- Missy Mazzoli: Wayward Free Radical Dreams (Vespers for a New Dark Age, 2015) .- Aurolac: "Rumpistol" (After the Flood, 2020) .- Actress, Orquestra Contemporània de Londres: "N.E.W." (LAGEOS, 2018) .- Biosphere: "Oi-1" (N-Plants, 2011) .- Phil France: "Circle", reprise (Circle, 2018) .- John Luther Adams: "Canticles from the sky: Sky with Four Suns" (The Wind in High Places, 2015) .- Oneohtrix Point Never: "Tales from the Trash Stratum" (Magic Oneohtrix Point Never, 2020) .- Mark Pritchard: "In my Heart" (MP Productions - EP 1, 2020) .- Aaron Kallay, Isaac Schankler: "Alien Warp Etude" (Beyond 12: Reiventing the Piano vol. 1, 2015) .- Marcin Wasilewski Trio: "Diamonds and Pearls" (January, 2008) .- Daniel Avery: "Pure Light" (Love + Light, 2020) .- Nicholas Lens, Nick Cave: "Litany of Godly Love" (2020)