--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Geni i figura de Burt Bacharach
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
Segurament és un del compositors més importants del segle XX, i ja és hora de retre un bon homenatge al geni de Kansas, de 92 anys, abans que ens deixi qualsevol dia d'aquests.
01 Burt Bacharach - "Do you know the way to San Jose"
02 Burt Bacharach, Elvis Costello - "I'll never fall in love again"
03 B.J. Thomas - "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head"
04 Aretha Franklin - "I say a little prayer"
05 Carpenters - "(They long to be) Close to you"
06 Tom Jones - "What's new pussycat?"
07 Elvis Presley - "Any day now (My beautiful bird)"
08 The Beatles - "Baby it's you"
09 Dionne Warwick - "What the world needs now (Is love)"
10 Dusty Springfield - "Wishin' and hopin'"
11 Diana Ross & the Supremes - "Let the music play"
12 Perry Como - "Magic moments"
13 The White Stripes - "I just don't know what to do with myself"
14 Etta James - "Waiting for Charlie (To come home)"
15 Burt Bacharach & Chrissie Hynde - "Baby it's you/A message to Michael"
Segurament és un del compositors més importants del segle XX, i ja és hora de retre un bon homenatge al geni de Kansas, de 92 anys, abans que ens deixi qualsevol dia d'aquests. 01 Burt Bacharach - "Do you know the way to San Jose" 02 Burt Bacharach, Elvis Costello - "I'll never fall in love again" 03 B.J. Thomas - "Raindrops keep fallin' on my head" 04 Aretha Franklin - "I say a little prayer" 05 Carpenters - "(They long to be) Close to you" 06 Tom Jones - "What's new pussycat?" 07 Elvis Presley - "Any day now (My beautiful bird)" 08 The Beatles - "Baby it's you" 09 Dionne Warwick - "What the world needs now (Is love)" 10 Dusty Springfield - "Wishin' and hopin'" 11 Diana Ross & the Supremes - "Let the music play" 12 Perry Como - "Magic moments" 13 The White Stripes - "I just don't know what to do with myself" 14 Etta James - "Waiting for Charlie (To come home)" 15 Burt Bacharach & Chrissie Hynde - "Baby it's you/A message to Michael"