--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
40 anys sense John Lennon
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
Passat el 2020, parlem de John Lennon. Excuses per fer-ho, moltes: 40 anys de la seva mort i un disc que s'acaba de publicar titulat "Gimme some truth".
01 John Lennon - "God"
02 John Lennon - "Imagine"
03 John Lennon - "Jealous guy"
04 John Lennon - "Oh my love"
05 John Lennon - "Come together (live)"
06 John Lennon - "Stand by me"
07 John Lennon - "(Just like) starting over"
08 John Lennon - "Woman"
09 The Beatles - "Happiness is a warm gun"
10 The Beatles - "Strawberry Fields forever"
11 The Beatles - "In my life"
12 The Beatles - "Across the universe"
13 The Beatles - "Tomorrow never knows"
14 The Beatles - "Help!"
15 The Beatles - "Julia"
16 The Beatles - "Ticket to ride"
Passat el 2020, parlem de John Lennon. Excuses per fer-ho, moltes: 40 anys de la seva mort i un disc que s'acaba de publicar titulat "Gimme some truth". 01 John Lennon - "God" 02 John Lennon - "Imagine" 03 John Lennon - "Jealous guy" 04 John Lennon - "Oh my love" 05 John Lennon - "Come together (live)" 06 John Lennon - "Stand by me" 07 John Lennon - "(Just like) starting over" 08 John Lennon - "Woman" 09 The Beatles - "Happiness is a warm gun" 10 The Beatles - "Strawberry Fields forever" 11 The Beatles - "In my life" 12 The Beatles - "Across the universe" 13 The Beatles - "Tomorrow never knows" 14 The Beatles - "Help!" 15 The Beatles - "Julia" 16 The Beatles - "Ticket to ride"