--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Playlist: Avui, soul!
Raül Hinojosa et presenta una hora de música en format "mixtape"! Una recopilació personal de cançons que pot estar basada en estils musicals o inspirar-se en qualsevol tema. Dimecres a les 12h, disponible a la carta i en podcast.
Actualitat musical amb ànima "vintage". Aquesta és una selecció del nou soul de sempre.
01 Aaron Frazer - "Bad news"
02 Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - "Just dropped in (To see what condition my rendition was in)"
03 Marta Ren - "22:22"
04 The James Hunter Six - "I can change your mind"
05 Koko-Jean & The Tonics - "Whatcha gonna do"
06 Durand Jones & The Indications - "Power to the people"
07 Lady Wray - "Storms"
08 Charles Bradley - "Lonely as you are"
09 Kendra Morris - "Who we are"
10 Lee Fields & The Expressions - "Regenerate"
11 Hannah Williams & The Affirmations - "Heart-shaped box"
12 Aiala - "Fighting and learning"
13 The Tibbs - "Damaged heart"
14 Freedonia - "Claiming for sanity"
15 The Limboos - "Way too long"
16 Kelly Finnigan - "No time to be sad"
17 Shirley Davis & The Silverbacks - "Culture or vulture"
18 Curtis Harding - "Where we are"

Actualitat musical amb ànima "vintage". Aquesta és una selecció del nou soul de sempre. 01 Aaron Frazer - "Bad news" 02 Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - "Just dropped in (To see what condition my rendition was in)" 03 Marta Ren - "22:22" 04 The James Hunter Six - "I can change your mind" 05 Koko-Jean & The Tonics - "Whatcha gonna do" 06 Durand Jones & The Indications - "Power to the people" 07 Lady Wray - "Storms" 08 Charles Bradley - "Lonely as you are" 09 Kendra Morris - "Who we are" 10 Lee Fields & The Expressions - "Regenerate" 11 Hannah Williams & The Affirmations - "Heart-shaped box" 12 Aiala - "Fighting and learning" 13 The Tibbs - "Damaged heart" 14 Freedonia - "Claiming for sanity" 15 The Limboos - "Way too long" 16 Kelly Finnigan - "No time to be sad" 17 Shirley Davis & The Silverbacks - "Culture or vulture" 18 Curtis Harding - "Where we are"