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Playlist: "Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?"
Raül Hinojosa et presenta una hora de música en format "mixtape"! Una recopilació personal de cançons que pot estar basada en estils musicals o inspirar-se en qualsevol tema. Dimecres a les 12h, disponible a la carta i en podcast.
Clàssics del rock i altres plaers culpables. Selecció de temes incombustibles per desconnectar per Setmana Santa.
01 Ramones - "Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?"
02 Blondie - "Call me"
03 Dire Straits - "Money for nothing"
04 The B-52's - "Love shack"
05 The Clash - "Should I stay or should I go"
06 Pretenders - "Back on the chain gang"
07 The Bangles - "Walk like an egyptian"
08 The Lemonheads - "Into your arms"
09 Tina Turner - "Proud Mary"
10 R.E.M. - "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"
11 The Breeders - "Cannonball"
12 Pavement - "Cut your hair"
13 Patti Smith - "People have the power"
14 Bon Jovi - "Runaway"
15 Guns N' Roses - "Sweet child o'mine"

Clàssics del rock i altres plaers culpables. Selecció de temes incombustibles per desconnectar per Setmana Santa. 01 Ramones - "Do you remember rock'n'roll radio?" 02 Blondie - "Call me" 03 Dire Straits - "Money for nothing" 04 The B-52's - "Love shack" 05 The Clash - "Should I stay or should I go" 06 Pretenders - "Back on the chain gang" 07 The Bangles - "Walk like an egyptian" 08 The Lemonheads - "Into your arms" 09 Tina Turner - "Proud Mary" 10 R.E.M. - "What's the frequency, Kenneth?" 11 The Breeders - "Cannonball" 12 Pavement - "Cut your hair" 13 Patti Smith - "People have the power" 14 Bon Jovi - "Runaway" 15 Guns N' Roses - "Sweet child o'mine"