--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Setmana "sunshine"
El caçador de cançons, Raül Hinojosa, presenta les millors captures musicals de l'escena alternativa i underground internacional i del país. Dissabte, de 23.30 a 24.00
Aquestes són les melodies assolellades que la primavera ens ofereix. Perquè també és primavera a les escenes pop alternatives i underground.
01 Las Dianas - "Me voy"
02 Guay! - "Fa fa fa fa"
03 Tronco - "Piropos"
04 Aiko El Grupo - "Amigos para nunca (confía y te la lían)"
05 Srta. Trueno Negro - "La siguiente primavera"
06 The Boys With The Perpetual Nervousness - "Walking up in the sunshine"
07 Even As We Speak - "Stronger"
08 The Lodger - "Black and white (Pete's song)"
09 The Feels - "She's probably not thinkin' of me"
10 The Speedways - "The day I call you mine"
11The Death of pop - "Go back"
12 Lea Leone - "Oxígeno"

Aquestes són les melodies assolellades que la primavera ens ofereix. Perquè també és primavera a les escenes pop alternatives i underground. 01 Las Dianas - "Me voy" 02 Guay! - "Fa fa fa fa" 03 Tronco - "Piropos" 04 Aiko El Grupo - "Amigos para nunca (confía y te la lían)" 05 Srta. Trueno Negro - "La siguiente primavera" 06 The Boys With The Perpetual Nervousness - "Walking up in the sunshine" 07 Even As We Speak - "Stronger" 08 The Lodger - "Black and white (Pete's song)" 09 The Feels - "She's probably not thinkin' of me" 10 The Speedways - "The day I call you mine" 11The Death of pop - "Go back" 12 Lea Leone - "Oxígeno"