--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Cançons per a l'alliberament
Pista de fusta
Miqui Puig, el músic català que més en sap de música de ball, es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. De dilluns a diumenge, de 19 a 20 h.
Disseccionem l'àlbum "Strong love (Songs for the gay liberation 1972-1981)" i proposem perles de ball que no entenen de barreres, ni de discriminació.
01 Mega Bog - "Station to station"
02 Ya Tseen - "Close the distance"
03 H.E.R. - "We made it"
04 Cliff Beach - "I was here"
05 Fryars - "Moscow"
06 Emotional Oranges - "No words (feat. Yendry)"
07 Felines - "I reap what i sow"
08 Jaguar - "Guadalupe"
09 Blackberri - "It's okay"
10 International Gay Society - "Stand up for your rights"
11 Buena Vista - "Hot magazine"
12 Mint Julep - "Black maps"
13 Jessie Ware - "Eyes closed"
14 Shygirl - "Siren (Basement Jaxx Cruise Mix)"
15 Sedibus - "Toi"
Pista de fusta
Disseccionem l'àlbum "Strong love (Songs for the gay liberation 1972-1981)" i proposem perles de ball que no entenen de barreres, ni de discriminació. 01 Mega Bog - "Station to station" 02 Ya Tseen - "Close the distance" 03 H.E.R. - "We made it" 04 Cliff Beach - "I was here" 05 Fryars - "Moscow" 06 Emotional Oranges - "No words (feat. Yendry)" 07 Felines - "I reap what i sow" 08 Jaguar - "Guadalupe" 09 Blackberri - "It's okay" 10 International Gay Society - "Stand up for your rights" 11 Buena Vista - "Hot magazine" 12 Mint Julep - "Black maps" 13 Jessie Ware - "Eyes closed" 14 Shygirl - "Siren (Basement Jaxx Cruise Mix)" 15 Sedibus - "Toi"