--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Playlist: Cool party
Raül Hinojosa et presenta una hora de música en format "mixtape"! Una recopilació personal de cançons que pot estar basada en estils musicals o inspirar-se en qualsevol tema. Dimecres a les 12h, disponible a la carta i en podcast.
El glamur fet cançó. Del funk psicodèlic de Khruangbin al disco-soul de Diana Ross, passant pel flow de Drake i el techno-pop de Rigoberta Bandini.
01 Khruangbin - "Time (You and me) (Put a smile on DJ's face, Felix Dickinson mix)"
02 Helado Negro - "Outside the outside"
03 Camila Cabello - "Don't go yet (Mayor Lazer dub)"
04 Alizzz - "Ya no siento nada"
05 Rigoberta Bandini - "Perra"
06 Bofirax - "Breaking walls"
07 The Crab Apples - "Fire (Mr.K! remix)"
08 Pol Wagner - "Nobody's perfect"
09 Nathy Peluso - "Buenos Aires"
10 Drake - "Champagne Poetry"
11 Xenia Rubinos - "Don't put me in red"
12 Iris Deco - "She dives into"
13 Kanye West - "Moon"
14 James Blake - "Say what you will"
15 Bikôkô - "Get up"
16 Finneas - "The 90s"
17 Diana Ross - "Thank you"

El glamur fet cançó. Del funk psicodèlic de Khruangbin al disco-soul de Diana Ross, passant pel flow de Drake i el techno-pop de Rigoberta Bandini. 01 Khruangbin - "Time (You and me) (Put a smile on DJ's face, Felix Dickinson mix)" 02 Helado Negro - "Outside the outside" 03 Camila Cabello - "Don't go yet (Mayor Lazer dub)" 04 Alizzz - "Ya no siento nada" 05 Rigoberta Bandini - "Perra" 06 Bofirax - "Breaking walls" 07 The Crab Apples - "Fire (Mr.K! remix)" 08 Pol Wagner - "Nobody's perfect" 09 Nathy Peluso - "Buenos Aires" 10 Drake - "Champagne Poetry" 11 Xenia Rubinos - "Don't put me in red" 12 Iris Deco - "She dives into" 13 Kanye West - "Moon" 14 James Blake - "Say what you will" 15 Bikôkô - "Get up" 16 Finneas - "The 90s" 17 Diana Ross - "Thank you"