--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Desitjos en forma de cançons
El celobert
El cantant d'Els Pets comparteix cada dia amb els oients la seva passió per la música a través de les petites històries que expliquen les cançons. De dilluns a divendres, de 20 a 21 h.
Avui hem decidit fer una llista avançada a les festes nadalenques amb un seguit de desitjos en forma de cançó. Segur que amb el grup d'artistes que hem convidat es compleixen tots.
01 Suu - "Tant de bo"
02 Pink Floyd - "Wish you were here"
03 Florence + The Machine - "Wish that you were here"
04 Billie Eilish - "Wish you were gay"
05 The Tempations - "I wish it would rain"
06 Beth Orton - "I wish I never saw the sunshine"
07 Nina Simone - "I wish I knew how it feels to be free"
08 Cosmo Pyke - "Wish you were gone"
09 Alfie Templeman - "Wish I was younger"
10 Stevie Wonder - "I wish"
11 Sanandra Maytena - "Wishing well"
12 Tom Waits - "I wish I was in New Orleans"
13 Scouting for Girl - "I wish I was James Bond"
14 Al Green - "I wish you where here"
El celobert
Avui hem decidit fer una llista avançada a les festes nadalenques amb un seguit de desitjos en forma de cançó. Segur que amb el grup d'artistes que hem convidat es compleixen tots. 01 Suu - "Tant de bo" 02 Pink Floyd - "Wish you were here" 03 Florence + The Machine - "Wish that you were here" 04 Billie Eilish - "Wish you were gay" 05 The Tempations - "I wish it would rain" 06 Beth Orton - "I wish I never saw the sunshine" 07 Nina Simone - "I wish I knew how it feels to be free" 08 Cosmo Pyke - "Wish you were gone" 09 Alfie Templeman - "Wish I was younger" 10 Stevie Wonder - "I wish" 11 Sanandra Maytena - "Wishing well" 12 Tom Waits - "I wish I was in New Orleans" 13 Scouting for Girl - "I wish I was James Bond" 14 Al Green - "I wish you where here"