--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Paul Weller, al ritme que marca l'orquestra
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
I l'orquestra, en aquest cas, és la Simfònica de la BBC, dirigida per Jules Buckley, amb qui Weller repassa hits de The Jam, Style Council i de la seva carrera en solitari. Hi desfilen també convidats com Celeste i Boy George.
01 The Style Council - "You're the best thing"
02 The Jam - "Town called malice"
03 Paul Weller, James Morrison - "Broken stones"
04 Paul Weller - "Movin on"
05 Paul Weller, Celeste - "Wild wood"
06 Paul Weller - "You do something to me"
07 Amy Winehouse, Paul Weller, Jools Holland - "I heard it through the grapevine"
08 Jools Holland, Paul Weller - "Will it go round in circles"
09 Squeeze - "Tempted"
10 Jools Holland, Sting - "Seventh son"
11 Jools Holland, George Harrison - "Horse to the water"
12 Jools Holland, Dr. John - "The hand that changed its' mind"
13 Jools Holland, Van Morrison - "Back O'Tom blues"

I l'orquestra, en aquest cas, és la Simfònica de la BBC, dirigida per Jules Buckley, amb qui Weller repassa hits de The Jam, Style Council i de la seva carrera en solitari. Hi desfilen també convidats com Celeste i Boy George. 01 The Style Council - "You're the best thing" 02 The Jam - "Town called malice" 03 Paul Weller, James Morrison - "Broken stones" 04 Paul Weller - "Movin on" 05 Paul Weller, Celeste - "Wild wood" 06 Paul Weller - "You do something to me" 07 Amy Winehouse, Paul Weller, Jools Holland - "I heard it through the grapevine" 08 Jools Holland, Paul Weller - "Will it go round in circles" 09 Squeeze - "Tempted" 10 Jools Holland, Sting - "Seventh son" 11 Jools Holland, George Harrison - "Horse to the water" 12 Jools Holland, Dr. John - "The hand that changed its' mind" 13 Jools Holland, Van Morrison - "Back O'Tom blues"