--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Merry Christmas, baby
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
En una nit tan especial com aquesta, ho tenim clar i fem un recull de les millors nadales publicades aquest 2021. Tenim de tot i força, de Billy Gibbons a Nacho Casado.
01 Billy Gibbons - "Jingle bell blues"
02 Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats - "Santa baby"
03 Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats - "Baby it's cold outside"
04 Nacho Casado - "Medianoche en Navidad"
05 Natalia Clavier - "My favorite things"
06 Jungle Fire - "Jingle fire"
07 Elastic Band - "Winter wonderland"
08 Norah Jones - "Christmas glow"
09 She & Him - "Holiday"
10 Zenet, Spin Gospel, AP Big Band - "Jingle bells"
11 The Pinker Tones - "Xmas walk"
12 Darren Criss - "Happy holidays/The holiday season"
13 Lainey Wilson - "Christmas cookies"
14 Eli Rose, Lili-Ann De Francesco - "Winter song"
15 La Pegatina - "Aquí és Nadal i estic content"

En una nit tan especial com aquesta, ho tenim clar i fem un recull de les millors nadales publicades aquest 2021. Tenim de tot i força, de Billy Gibbons a Nacho Casado. 01 Billy Gibbons - "Jingle bell blues" 02 Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats - "Santa baby" 03 Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats - "Baby it's cold outside" 04 Nacho Casado - "Medianoche en Navidad" 05 Natalia Clavier - "My favorite things" 06 Jungle Fire - "Jingle fire" 07 Elastic Band - "Winter wonderland" 08 Norah Jones - "Christmas glow" 09 She & Him - "Holiday" 10 Zenet, Spin Gospel, AP Big Band - "Jingle bells" 11 The Pinker Tones - "Xmas walk" 12 Darren Criss - "Happy holidays/The holiday season" 13 Lainey Wilson - "Christmas cookies" 14 Eli Rose, Lili-Ann De Francesco - "Winter song" 15 La Pegatina - "Aquí és Nadal i estic content"