--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------
Aimee Mann, música per a la salut mental
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.
"Queens of the summer hotel" és el títol del nou disc de Mann, i també la banda sonora d'un musical basat en el llibre de Susanna Kaysen "Girl interrupted", que parla de la salut mental dels seus protagonistes.
01 Crane Like the Bird, Rufus Wainwright - "Just a bend"
02 Crane Like the Bird, Sam Beam - "Andy"
03 Maskerem Mees - "Seasons shift"
04 Luisa Sobral - "Quero morar numa canção"
05 Kevin Morby - "I hear you calling"
06 Tindersticks - "Both sides of the blade"
07 Calexico - "El mirador"
08 Marissa Nadler - "Guns on the sundeck"
09 Aimee Mann - "You fall"
10 Aimee Mann - "Home by now"
11 Aimee Mann - "You don't have the room"
12 Aimee Mann - "Suicide is murder"
13 The Weather Station - "Endless time"
14 Courtney Barnett - "Rae street"
"Queens of the summer hotel" és el títol del nou disc de Mann, i també la banda sonora d'un musical basat en el llibre de Susanna Kaysen "Girl interrupted", que parla de la salut mental dels seus protagonistes. 01 Crane Like the Bird, Rufus Wainwright - "Just a bend" 02 Crane Like the Bird, Sam Beam - "Andy" 03 Maskerem Mees - "Seasons shift" 04 Luisa Sobral - "Quero morar numa canção" 05 Kevin Morby - "I hear you calling" 06 Tindersticks - "Both sides of the blade" 07 Calexico - "El mirador" 08 Marissa Nadler - "Guns on the sundeck" 09 Aimee Mann - "You fall" 10 Aimee Mann - "Home by now" 11 Aimee Mann - "You don't have the room" 12 Aimee Mann - "Suicide is murder" 13 The Weather Station - "Endless time" 14 Courtney Barnett - "Rae street"