tractores de pedales
cabina de polvo
Shot Blasting Machine Spares

--------- patrocinadors involuntaris --------------------------------------

 Gorillaz, Mavis Staples i The National, en concert
Gorillaz, Mavis Staples i The National, en concert
Albert Puig presenta el programa d'autor que tria a mà les cançons més selectes de la collita de cada temporada. El moment perdesconnectar del soroll diari i descobrir nou talents. De dilluns a divendres, de 21 a 22 h, a iCat.

Escoltem tres de les bandes que protagonitzaran el futur Primavera Sound 2021. Gorillaz, en directe des de Manchester; Mavis Staples en concert a Londres i un "live" de The National enregistrat a Berkeley. 01 Gorillaz - "Intro" 02 Gorillaz - "Last living souls" 03 Gorillaz - "O green world" 04 Gorillaz - "Feel good inc." 05 Gorillaz - "All alone" 06 Gorillaz - "DARE" 07 Mavis Staples - "Love and trust" 08 Mavis Staples - "No time for cryin'" 09 Mavis Staples - "Can you get to that" 10 Mavis Staples - "We're gonna make it" 11 The National - "Nobody else will be there" 12 The National - "Don't swallow the cap" 13 The National - "The system only dreams in total darkness" 14 The National - "I need my girl"
